I don't have many handbags because I feel I never see the exact bag I am looking for. So many bags just look cheap, are not interesting enough or they have TOO much going on! I feel they say so much about you, even more than your coat or shoes!

Anyway, so lately I've been desperately looking for a new everyday handbag / purse because my old one, a black H&M one is pretty close to falling apart. Generally I don't wear things until they fall apart, I get easily bored and want something new to wear but with bags, I don't know what it is, a bag just really has to catch my eye so I want to wear it and when I finally find it I want to use it everyday!
So you can imagine how happy I was when I found a bag in the Topshop online store that I felt excited about, that I felt was good quality and interesting but still classy!
It's 100% leather in a tan colour in it's just lovely!
I have been obsessed with tan leather for the past 2 years and I just can't get it out of my head. Most leather bags in London are at least 70-100 pounds and honestly I can't spend so much on a single item (yet!) so I always have to find something a little bit cheaper and something that's still going to last so I really feel I made a good purchase with this fine bag and I love using it everyday and tan leather fits with everything, be it black, neon, pastels, whatevs, it always looks good!
You can get this bag here on the Topshop website. I received mine in 2 days so I really recommend their online store, it's so fast!
great bag!